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T top rated with one particular to three levels of branches in the end bearing verticils of conidiogenous cells, hyaline or yellowish ochraceous, then turning purplish red in KOH; 2 branches supporting conidiogenous cells formed from one particular point, 185 two.five.0 m. Conidiogenous cells held by two, subulate or extended ampulliform, sometimes attenuating slightly towards base, (15200(0) m lengthy and two.5 m wide in widest location, steadily attenuating to 0.six.five m at apex bearing one particular locus. Conidia cylindrical, seldom ellipsoidal, often irregularly shaped, curved at base, reduced half or middle, some sigmoid, ( (four.55.five.5(.five) m, Q = (two.12.9.7(.six), hyaline, (13-septate, hilum narrow to wide, central or at side of conidium, sometimes using a scar of attachment at base of conidium in opposite position to hilum; formed transversely from conidiogenous locus, held by three(two) in imbricate chains at apex of conidiogenous cell, seldom singly at intercalary loci on conidiophores. Chlamydospores abundant in old cultures, in and on agar, cells subglobose to globose, 100 m diam, pale yellowish to ochraceous, PubMed ID: wall 1.5 m thick, smooth, held by several to a dozen in chains or forming irregular clusters often held on thin-walled, hyaline supporting cell arising from an intercalary cell of aerial or submerged hyphae. Substrata: Agaricoid, corticioid and cyphelloid basidiomata, wood.Red-PigMented tRoPical HypomycesFig.17.Cladobotryum cubitense. A . Upper parts of conidiophores bearing conidiogenous cells with transversely placed conidia at their strategies. D. Conidia. E. Chlamydospores. (A . TFC 07-13, 9 d on MEA; E. Ex-type culture, G.A. i1361, 3 mo on MEA). Scale bars: A = one hundred m; B = 50 m; C, E = 20 m; D = 10 m.Distribution: Tropical North, Central and South America, Madagascar.Specimens andor cultures examined: Cuba, Camag y Prov., Sierra de Cubitas, Hoyo de Bonet, on dead fruiting bodies of an agaricoid basidiomycete, six Mar. 1985, R. Casta da C8529, holotype: INIFAT permanent slide, ex-type culture G.A. i1361 = CBS 416.85; Guantanamo Prov., Sierra de Imias, Las Cabezas del Arroyo Los Cacaos, on fruitbody of an old agaricoid basidiomycete, 9 Apr. 1984, G. Arnold, culture m643.w, GA 84688-w white kind, TFC 98-35. Madagascar, Anosy area, Tolagnaro distr., Petriky, littoral forest, on Cyphellaceae, 14 Mar. 2010, K. P dmaa, TU 112334, culture TFC 201293; Mandena Conservation Zone, Eucalyptus forest, 24.952 S, 47.002 E, on wood subsequent to Rigidoporus sp., 16 Mar. 2010, K. P dmaa, TU 112379b, culture TFC 201294; purchase KNK437 similar collecting data, on a corticioid basidiomycete on a living trunk of Eucalyptus sp., TU 112380, TFC 201315 = CBS 127528. Peru, Junin Dept., Chanchamayo Distr., Kimiri, on fruiting bodies of an agaricoid basidiomycete cf. Lentinus sp., 2 Mar. 2007, K. P dmaa, TU 107195, cultures TFC 2007-13 = CBS 121646. USA, Louisiana, near Walker, Livingston Parish, on a log, 23 Aug. 1960, C. T. Rogerson 60-189, NY, anamorph and immature teleomorph.Notes: Characteristic of Cladobotryum cubitense would be the comparatively long, narrow, clavate, mainly 3-septate conidia that happen to be held horizontally in the tip from the conidiogenous cell. Indicative from the formation of conidia in lengthy imbricate chains will be the hila, typically observed at the side in the conidia, close to the base. The much more conidia are made from a single locus, the reduced, wider and more laterally placed become the hila on the successive conidia. In most isolates part of the conidia are curved. Dinstinctive of the species are also the pale ochraceou.

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Author: Gardos- Channel