Sistant extremely resistant 61 benzylpenicillin (BP) only hugely but values (3.3 ) in the Table three.three).3. partnership betweenstrainsonlyof (3.3 ) strains(three.three ) Table hugely Ghana,highly highlythe MIC valuesisolate Table connection from Ghana,values but strains of from(BP) Ghana,fusidic one was isolate of whichisolate benzylpenicillin (BP) relationship strainsone for2 MIC which (Table 3). 61 but MIC two strains but61 (three.3 ) ofGhana,61 Ghana,connection of between very the hugely (Table only two strains(Table23).2 only values2 61 one particular from Ghana, oftheoffrom Ghana, 1 among MIC resistant for benzylpenicillin and but only two strains of 61 (3.3 )butbut(3.three )2(TableGhana,ofwasof which 61 resistantone Thewhichwhichthe resistant the isolate resistant isolate (BP) and fusidic but of 3). onlyonly onlyof the was Tableone ofacid in in 160 isolatein the highly of 61 from only from which the three.Alpha-Fetoprotein Protein custom synthesis acid connection two (Table (Table 3). fromstrainsMIC mg/L from from 3. of which Ghana, was resistant resistant (Table three).(Table three).23). but2 ofacid,MIC2mg/L highly Ghana, whichone of whichthe very valuesresistant isolate (Table three).but onlyFusidic acid, MIConly61 (three.3 ) from (3.three ) ofwasof was whichresistant highly (Table strains61 3). (3.3 ) from 61 oneone The resistant the was was was for but only 2 actinomycetemcomitansfrom(Tableacid,only 61mg/L strains (3.3 )Ghana,from was was a single hugely resistant isolate resistant isolate fusidic acid Ghana, (Table Fusidic three).one particular three). (3.3 ) the highly of which BP MIC (Table strains three). BP MIC (Table 3).Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans2butstrains. strainsmg/L wasGhana, one resistant isolate highlythe highlyisolate isolate (Table (Table 3). strains. (Tableof 3). butFusidic 3).2 MIC Fusidic Fusidic BP MIC BP MIC BP MIC Aggregatibacter strains actinomycetemcomitans acid, MIC which Aggregatibacter of 61 (3.three ) strains. acid, 61of mg/L (Table three). (Table BP 3). Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans strains. (Table 3). (Table (Table three). Fusidic Table 3. The partnership involving MIC values for3). MICfusidic (BP) Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans strains. acid, MIC mg/L and fusidic acid in 160 (Table 3). (Table 16 Table 160 Antibiotics 2022, 11, 317mg/L 7 of 15 2Table 3. relationship3). 88 three). for benzylpenicillin 44 (Table involving 64 128 256 values16 mg/L 0.25 0.5 11 Table three. TheThe relationshipvalues MICbenzylpenicillin (BP) in32 (BP) and in fusidic256 22 44 16 32 64 mg/L mg/L three.IL-6, Human The partnership The relationship (Table three).PMID:24367939 MIC 88between MIC values for benzylpenicillin (BP)64fusidic acid in 160 160 mg/L 0.25 0.5 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 3. The connection between MIC benzylpenicillin 8 16 32 64 (BP)128 256 acid in 160 128 fusidic 0.25 (Table three). involving MIC values for benzylpenicillin (BP) andforvaluesacid and fusidic acidand 160 256 in 0.25 0.five 0.five two 16 32 32 64 128 256 128 acid Table 11 three. between Table Tablerelationship fusidic Table Table Fusidic3. Thebetween MICbetweenforbetweenvaluesvalues for benzylpenicillinand fusidicfusidicin 160 160 three. Fusidic relationship mg/L partnership forfor benzylpenicillin (BP) andandand fusidic 160 in 160 connection MIC mg/L MIC fusidicfusidic TableTheTheFusidic Table MIC mg/Lmg/L MIC MICfor for benzylpenicillin fusidicfusidicin fusidicfusidic acid three. three. Table relationshiprelationship MIC benzylpenicillin 1benzylpenicillin (BP) acid 160160 acid 0.5 32 Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Tablebetweenrelationship betweenvaluesvalues (BP)benzylpenicillinand acidacid160 160acid strains. 3. relat.